Murray 4.75 hp Convertible Rear Bagger (Model #204212X92)
Owning a home requires a significant time investment to maintain it on an ongoing basis. Removing the trash, washing dishes, clothes, staining your deck annually and routine painting/other maintenance inside the house are just several examples.
Another main example of home ownership is mowing your lawn, which depending on the size of your lawn could be either a large amount of time or a small amount of time. In either case, you will need a lawnmower that will help you get the job done.
Recently I purchased a Murray 4.75 hp Convertible Rear Bagger (Model #204212X92). I bought this mower at the local home improvement store mainly because of its lower price relative to the competition. However, the old adage “you get what you pay for” truly came to light with this model as I have encountered several problems with it that are making me think twice about buying another one.
Starting the mower up worked just fine but I found that as I was mowing the lawn, grass clippings were loosely flying out of the bagging area onto the lawn. After several attempts at adjusting the bag I finally managed to get it covered and it worked ok for awhile, until it started to happen again. It seems the bag does not stay on the mower properly. I have also noticed that after a couple of uses it requires an oil change and more gas, of which the engine will just completely stop until I do so. I expect this behavior, but not after several uses.
I have only had the mower for a couple of months and now that it is winter, I will not use it for a couple more months. I intend to use it a few more times to see if maybe this was just a function of it being new or if I have a problem I need to resolve. I hope it is the former as I do not want to pay top dollar for a lawn mower!